Tea Blending Blog – Beauty Brains and Depth

The ins and outs of tea blending from Tea Blenders from Around the World

How to Make The Million Dollar Tea Blend June 14, 2009

Many People ask what it takes to make the ultimate blend. A blend that can turn a non tea drinker to a believer and still satisfy the tea expert. This video I think sums up in a fun and interesting way how an idea takes risk and just because you are the first doesn’t mean that it might be the best.
When you watch this crazy video, which is sort of a way how social media works or how a trend quickly takes off, this video in my opinion captures it. See, sometimes being the first means that you are putting your self out on the limb and this can be a little nuts and who knows who the second guy is maybe a friend or some random dude but the third guy adds validity to the grove or blend so to speak and this opens the door for tons of people to join in the frenzy as we clearly see in the video.
So when coming up with a blend you may be the first or the third or the 223rd person to do it but timing on your part is what sets it on a positive trail blazing experience. I have seen people with tons of experience in the tea world upset at novices making it big with little to no tea experience and I have seen valid experts make their mark on this world. Its not what the content is about necessarily…its when are you going to jump in the dance and make it happen!