Tea Blending Blog – Beauty Brains and Depth

The ins and outs of tea blending from Tea Blenders from Around the World

How to Make The Million Dollar Tea Blend June 14, 2009

Many People ask what it takes to make the ultimate blend. A blend that can turn a non tea drinker to a believer and still satisfy the tea expert. This video I think sums up in a fun and interesting way how an idea takes risk and just because you are the first doesn’t mean that it might be the best.
When you watch this crazy video, which is sort of a way how social media works or how a trend quickly takes off, this video in my opinion captures it. See, sometimes being the first means that you are putting your self out on the limb and this can be a little nuts and who knows who the second guy is maybe a friend or some random dude but the third guy adds validity to the grove or blend so to speak and this opens the door for tons of people to join in the frenzy as we clearly see in the video.
So when coming up with a blend you may be the first or the third or the 223rd person to do it but timing on your part is what sets it on a positive trail blazing experience. I have seen people with tons of experience in the tea world upset at novices making it big with little to no tea experience and I have seen valid experts make their mark on this world. Its not what the content is about necessarily…its when are you going to jump in the dance and make it happen!


Tea Blending Video #1 Blending Moroccan Mint April 30, 2009

So here it is the long awaited first in series video on tea blending….I know, I know what you might be thinking that we haven’t posted a video on this blog and now this…a Free Tea Blending Tip! Well after allowing ourselves a short break from blending and tasting teas, we have decided to share some insights on a few fundamental blends. The first video is….drum role please (this is where you see a close up with an envelop and the guy in a suit trying to figure out how to open the envelop) Moroccan Mint. This video has been professionally taped and edited and although it is currently free to those who attended our blending classes it will be a part of a complete blending series packet…
Now some may find my style of teaching is engaging and informative while others may find it cheesy, but it is really about adding value and dialogue right?? And that my friends is what life is about. While I am alive and passionate about teas I will do my best to contribute to the knowledge of tea, sharing what has been passed down to me by my master blenders, learning and of course striving for personal continual improvement. I may not have all the answers and some tea purists will disagree with some of my controversial methods. Which is great, because I am always open to learning, unless of course you repeat the same thing over and over again and I stopped listening…

So here is the first ever tea blending video on how to make Moroccan Mint. My one request is You can comment directly on this page under the video. So please do share your thoughts!
Click here to take you to the video or just click on the image

Mint Blend Video Image

Mint Blend Video Image


Great Books on Tea March 17, 2009

Filed under: Tea Blending 101 — steveartoftea @ 8:18 am

Great Link to Recommended Books on Tea


Questions Answered July 28, 2008

So there have been wonderful questions coming my way since the recent blending classes. Feel free to post your questions on the blog because many of you have the same question. This is a new forum but please share your questions on this tea blending blog so we can all learn and share! Remember there is no such things as a dumb question!

With that said many of you have been wondering about the books I recommend on tea blending.

The first I would check out would be Tea Blending as a Fine Art by Joseph M. Walsh. This tea blending book was written in 1896 and lists some of the classic fundamentals on blending with black teas. An interesting read with insight on the origins of commercial blending. Some important facts he brings up in the book are the areas of grading and varietes along with touching on the American population even at that time unaware of the skill and complexity behind the practious and sophistication in tea production. It is a free to view on books.google.com. Some of the names of teas are no longer in use today but at Art of Tea we have put some of the lessons learned in place (at least in honor of the author). Enjoy and please share your thoughts on this book!


Contest # 2 Caffeine Free Chai July 13, 2008

Its hot this summer everywhere you go…especially in Northern India. In honor of India and its dynamic production of botanicals and unique spices our challenge this month is to see who can create the best of the best caffeine free chai blend.

We will of course be trying this hot and iced to keep in a seasonal theme. Hot tea is consumed in India even in the middle of the day to cool the system and create internal balance. Chai literally translates as tea, so the options are pretty limitless. However, most traditional chai blends contain a mixture of cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and a base. Here is a sample of a caffeine free chai for your reference. If you are a seasoned chai blender than please share your experience so others may grow. And if this is your first crack at it…give it a shot. Send a pic if you must.

Remember to please be as descriptive as possible especially if you would like us to prepare it a specific way. Ie: Hot, Iced, Shaken…with milk…ingredients and proportions, etc. Have fun!


And the First Winner Is…

Filed under: Tea Blending Contest — steveartoftea @ 3:31 pm
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Congratulations to Ms. Thorn on contributing your iced tea recipe! As you know you will be receiving a $75 gift certificate towards any teas or tea supplies at artoftea.com. Thanks we loved trying it. It is not only the only submission for the first ever tea blending challenge but it happens to offer a welcoming taste. Look forward to your submission again for Julys tea blending challange for your chance to win again.


Tea Blends Contest #1 June 23, 2008

Filed under: Tea Blending Contest — steveartoftea @ 6:21 am

Ok, so you think you got what it takes to blend an immaculate iced tea? Try your hand at creating an iced tea that is fitting to quench even the toughest critic in this summer heat.

So here are the rules of the game. Submit your recipe in the comment section on this post and the winner gets not only mentioned on this blog but the opportunity to have the clout of an amazing recognized iced tea , win a prize for the month and will also have the opportunity to invite others to purchase the tea they created for a limited time. Limit one blend per blender/company per contest. Which means you can submit again the next contest around which will be updating and changing seasonally. That’s it! There are the rules. I am sure many of you have some amazing ideas and if you dont yet then well… what are you waiting for? Get blending. You have till July 1st to put your best blending hand forward.
Look forward to sipping your teas!


Blends from The Tea Blending Class Continued

Filed under: Blending Favorites,Tea Blending 101 — steveartoftea @ 6:07 am
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Here are some other recipes we worked on in the class.

One simply had flavor and the other did not have a flavor application on the tea. Many questions were asked regarding flavor application so we will be sure to get to this later. Feel free to ask questions that come to mind regarding flavor application. This is a fun topic and sure to raise many questions. I will do my best to answer them as best as possible.

Hibiscus Cooler with Tea:

Marigolds Chun Mee Rosehips Hibiscus Currants Passionfruit Essence
0.5 9 8 8 6 1 32.5

Lessons Learned

Hey Tea Blender Graduates!

Thank you all for your wonderful patience. I am happy to see many of you have come to this site to check out some of the updates. Please keep the comments comming so we can create a nice interactive community in which we can grow and share recipes, trade insights and lessons learned.

We had such a great time at the tea blending class and I look forward to trying all of your wonderful creations in the future!!

So here it the first lesson learned, drum roll please….

The Chai recipes from the World Tea Expo Blending Class

Chai #1 and Chai #2

The only difference is the flavor application

Units in Ounces

Whole Leaf Assam CTC Cardamom Cinnamon Cloves Ginger Black Pepper Natural Chai Flavor
18 4 2 2 0.5 2 1 1

Tea Blending Foundation May 26, 2008

This is the first of many articles to come!
We look forward to sharing and growing with you!